Yeny Benavides Campos, Perú

Industrial Engineer, PUCP

2016 was a very gratifying year, because thanks to the support of Fundación Educación I achieved one of my main objectives: to become a professional with solid knowledge and values.

Currently, I work as an analyst in the area of continuous improvement of an airport services company. In this position, I apply engineering tools that allow me to optimize resources and I participate in improvement projects aimed at ensuring quality service to all customers. I am convinced that every day is a learning experience and an opportunity to put into practice the knowledge and skills acquired at university.

For the next few years, I am committed to continuing my efforts to achieve greater personal and professional development. Likewise, I commit myself to reimburse the whole amount of the educational help I have received, so that based on my contribution other students of scarce economic resources like me will be able to develop their skills.