I’m Juan Carlos Arriaza, from a beautiful village called Moyuta in the southeast of Guatemala. I’m 22 years old and I’m just finishing university and starting the professional life.
In the process of applying for work at companies and organizations in which I envision myself being a professional at the service of society, contributing to the improvement of our people’s living conditions. I applied to jobs that are in the financial and agricultural industry. These professional fields are of interest to me and I have made the decision to focus on them. I am also working with my university friends on ideas that are potential projects. Some of these ideas have their origins in the practical application of lessons from our university careers.
Now, I’m happy to say that fortunately I found a good opportunity to start my professional career. Currently I’m doing an internship in the Inter-American Development Bank in Washington D.C. I’m in the Funds Management Support team, reviewing and preparing annual reports of projects in Latin America.
Also, I’m happy to say that I’m getting paid, that enables me having something for a living and start making honor to my “Compromiso de Honor” with Fundación Educación, but most important with the future generation of scholars of this wonderful organization.
Finally, I would like to express my deep gratitude to Fundación Educación, because the education the opportunity they gave me during has changed my life.