Rodrigo Ramírez, Guatemala

Business Engineer, UVG

He studied Business Engineering at UVG, and despite the family challenges he faced, he maintained an outstanding academic performance average, earning for 3 consecutive years a special recognition that UVG grants to distinguished students.  In addition to his academic achievements, Rodrigo stood out as a leader. He was a promoter and founder of the Association of Engineering Students in Management Sciences, was an assistant professor of Accounting and had the opportunity to work on projects in several prestigious companies in the country. His graduation work consisted in carrying out a mega innovation project together with Ingenio Pantaléon, having been ranked first for the impact on the company's profitability.

He did his internship, a requirement for graduation, at the telecommunications company TIGO and thanks to his excellent performance and conduct, he was hired for a position as a financial analyst, a position he currently holds. His graduation ceremony will be in April 2020.